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Drug Rehabs in Newark

3 Minute Read | Published Nov 23 2023 | Updated Dec 01 2023

According to data from the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Substance Abuse Monitoring System (SAMS), the rate of substance abuse in Newark is higher than the state average. In 2017, Newark had a substance abuse treatment admission rate of 49.1 per 10,000 population, while the state average was 33.5 per 10,000 population. In addition, the majority of substance abuse treatment admissions in Newark were for heroin and alcohol, followed by cocaine and marijuana.

New Jersey also ranks among the top ten states in the nation for drug overdose deaths, with over 3,000 deaths in 2018. In Newark, there were 429 drug overdose deaths reported in 2018, which is an increase of 14% from the previous year.

These statistics highlight the urgent need for drug rehab centers in Newark. Fortunately, there are several reputable and effective drug rehab centers located in Newark, New Jersey, that can provide support and treatment for those struggling with addiction.

One such center is Integrity House, which has been providing comprehensive substance abuse treatment since 1968. In addition to traditional therapy and treatment approaches, Integrity House also offers innovative programs, such as art and music therapy, to help individuals in their recovery journey.

Another reputable drug rehab center in Newark is New Hope Integrated Behavioral Health Care. This center offers a variety of treatment options, including outpatient programs, residential programs, and medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction.

There are also specialized drug rehab centers in Newark for specific populations, such as adolescents and women. Integrity House also has a teen-specific program, called HomeFront, which provides comprehensive substance abuse treatment for adolescents aged 12-17.

For women struggling with addiction, Project Free is a nonprofit drug rehab center in Newark that offers comprehensive, gender-specific treatment. This program includes individual and group therapy, as well as parenting and life skills classes to help women successfully recover and rebuild their lives.

It's important to reassure individuals struggling with addiction that drug rehab is an effective and viable option for treatment. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction is a treatable disease and can be managed successfully with the right treatment approach.

In addition to traditional therapy and medication-assisted treatment, many rehab centers also offer holistic approaches, such as yoga, mindfulness meditation, and acupuncture, to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of addiction.

Furthermore, many drug rehab centers have a strong support network that includes qualified and experienced staff, support groups, and peer support programs, to provide ongoing support and guidance for individuals in recovery.

In conclusion, drug rehab centers in Newark, New Jersey, offer a variety of effective treatment options for individuals struggling with addiction. These centers provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to begin their recovery journey and offer hope for a brighter, drug-free future.
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